The Solar Energy of India (SESI), established in 1978, having its Secretariat in New Delhi, is the Indian Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Its interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including characteristics, effects and methods of use, and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilization of this renewable non-polluting resource.
The Society is interdisciplinary in nature, with most of the leading energy researchers and manufacturers of renewable energy systems and devices of the country as its members. High academic attainments are not a prerequisite for membership and any person engaged in research, development or utilization of renewable energy or in fields related to renewable energy and interested in the promotion of renewable energy utilization can become a member of the society.
The Society is administered by its Governing a Council of twenty members elected once in two years, consisting of the President, six Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary General and 11 members of whom one is the immediate past President. The council meets two or three times in year. The Annual General Meeting of the members is normally held at the time of the International Congress on Renewable Energy (ICORE).
Day to day administration is provided by the Society Secretariat headed by the Director General.
Regions in which sufficient interest exists, regional or local chapters of the Society have been/can be established.
The major activities of the Society are:
The affairs and property of the society are administered by its Governing Council consisting of 20 members including the President, six Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and 11 members of whom one shall be the immediate past-President (ex-officio). The council meets two or three times in a year. Day-to-day administration is provided by the Society Secretariat. Regions in which sufficient interest exists, regional or local chapters of the Society have been/can be established. The Annual meeting of the members is held at the time of its Annual Convention.
Various categories of members available are (I) Patron (ii) Life (iii) Organizational (iv) Individual (v) Voluntary Organization and (vi) Student. The following rights and privileges are available to the members of the Society:
Posted On: 20-April-2013 at 3:11 pm
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